Meet our Team

At SEGC, we pride ourselves in creating an inclusive and enjoyable environment where everyone can grow both personally and professionally. Composed of people from all years, majors, and identities, we believe that having diverse perspectives and backgrounds makes for better consultants, therefore leading to more impactful solutions. We recruit with the mindset of adding value to both our culture and our clients, helping build our family. From game nights to weekend retreats, our members bond with one another and leave with lifelong friendships. Below, you can meet the people who make up our team and learn more about them by clicking on their profiles. 


Executive Board

Stephy Chen

Putri Srijaya

Pranav Nair
Co-VP of New Member Education

Andrew Lenk
Co-VP of New Member Education

Jack Lehman
VP of Finance

Zoe Cantor
VP of External Relations

Pranav Jaganathan
VP of Corporate Relations

Aaron Zhu
VP of Member Engagement

Nitya Pakala
VP of Marketing

Audrey Yu
VP of Alumni Relations

Chelsey Wang


Project Managers

Arnav Chinchankar

Kevin Zhang

Luke Huang

Mia Adriko

Sophia Wang



Ahana Shrestha

Chloe Yoo

Derrick Mensah Afoakwa

Emily Domek

Erik Tekenbroek

Ian Gilenson

Ivan Lin

Jasmine Chang

Jasmine Li

Jesse Cheng

Joy Xu

John Joshua Bernardino

Jonah Huang

Kiana Kim

Liam Daly

Manroop Kaur

Micah Schuchman

Mina Nabavian

Misbah Quraishi

Muhammad Jee

Natalie Obedian

Nathaniel Baker

Nicholas Esarte

Philip Goo

Quang (DQ) Nguyen

Sarah Yum

Serena Tang

Stephanie Dong

Tri Vu (TV) Kieu

Tyler Senzon

Vianny Lara